Danny Worsnop, lead singer of Asking Alexandria is renowned for his drug and alcohol abuse. Featuring heavily in his career, having a whole album related to his troubles. In 2011, the band released their second studio album 'Reckless and Relentless'. Following the album's success, the band released a short film, incorporating the music videos from all the singles from the album.
In an interview with Noisecreep, Danny talks of his struggle he and his band mates faced with his addictions, saying: “This last year we all witnessed my demise — my plummet — my fall — and my rebirth,”
He went on to say how sobering up has changed his career, saying: 'My voice has skyrocketed!' Showing that beating his addiction has allowed his career to ultimately improve.
Since then, the band has improved drastically, releasing their third studio album and a tour with Bullet For My Valentine. It is safe to say that Danny's recovery has had a great impact on not only his life, but also that of his band.
When many of you look at Oli Sykes, lead singer of heavy metal band Bring Me The Horizon I imagine you will see something very different to what I see. To many, he is a tattoo covered, angry weirdo. However, I see something very different.
Those of you who don't like tattoos may see Oli as an Idiot for practically covering himself head to toe in tattoos. I don't see how you can view his tattoos as anything other than art though.
Okay, so some of his tattoos are a little bit odd and even he, himself says he might regret some of them, saying : "I have a penis tattooed on my leg, and high five tattooed on my palm. I don't regret them yet, but I'm sure when my children disown me as a father, I may have some remorse."
Oli Sykes uses his music as a release from his depression which he sings about, or uses as a major influence in his lyrics, such as 'Hospital for Souls'. Many people believe that members of heavy metal bands who can scream are 'talent-less', I bet you can't do it though can you?
Not only can he scream, he is the owner of Drop Dead, his own clothing brand which his family help him to run. There are many things you can say about Oli Sykes, but one thing is for sure. You cannot call him talent - less!